Injury Care System

Business Goals

Many accidental patients need long-term treatment. Before starting treatment, the hospital or clinic needs to fill out a lot of details of patients, as well as need consent and a few signatures from the patient. This complete process is manual, and in many cases, they had to fill in details multiple times. Maintaining paperwork was not an easy task for hospitals and they needed SAAS software, where multiple clinics could register them and automate this manual process. The primary objective of this software was to keep the details of patients while also keeping accident details. The software should be able to create and upload e-agreement.

Product Description

As a lot of details needed to be filled in by the patient, the clinic needed a web version of the same, which should also have tab friendly UI.

Portal For Clinics

  • Clinics could register themselves Authorized staff can collect, check and manage patient's details
  • Admin users can control the access of other users
  • Check the reports of various patients under treatment
  • Could check the details like their next visit/appointment
  • Could also check the various details related to their insurance

Portal For Patients

  • The patient can fill in their detail
  • Should be able to fill in the details of the accident and the insurance company
  • E-agreement needs to be signed by the patient

Case Studies