Online platform to create E-commerce website

Business Goals

Many small shop owners in India mainly sell their products in physical stores and have a limited presence on the Internet. This lack of online visibility often leads to financial losses because they struggle to keep track of their inventory. shopkeepers don't have accounting software to maintain records of their profits and loss. To solve the above problems, the client wanted to develop software that should be easy to use and can run on the SAAS model.


There are millions of small business owners and most of them are non-technical people. However, they should be able to create their store website by themselves within a few steps. They should be able to do tasks like managing inventory, creating invoices, and checking profit/loss reports with very less effort else they will not use the software. We interviewed approx 100 business owners of different fields and there were many iterations while designing screens of software. Every time we used to design mockup screens, we used to get that checked by shopkeepers and check their responses. Technically also, It was a challenging task to create software of that level that will be used by millions of business owners within the next few years from now.

Product Description

Portal To Create An E-Commerce Website In 3 Steps

  • Any shop owner can create their e-commerce website in 3 steps.
  • They have to enter their mobile number, business category, and business name, and their unique website gets created in just 1 minute.

Admin Portal For Shopkeepers

  • Shop owner can check their Inventory, Orders, Invoices, and profit/loss statement from here.
  • They can also generate online invoices and send them to their customers using SMS.
  • They can also view various reports on the products.

Individual Ecommerce Website Of Each Shopkeepers

  • Customers can visit the individual website of every shop owner.
  • They can search and filter products and order them online.
  • Customers can also view their invoices in their account section.

Project Highlights

  • Integrated with the messaging system to send product order details
  • Integrated with the Whatsapp system to send and advertise products on WhatsApp
  • Created highly customizable design
  • Reports and dashboard with highlighted relevant information
  • Mobile optimized designs

Case Studies